Thursday, January 24, 2008

Fly the Friendly Skies with Wine!

Wine's increasing popularity has airlines looking at ways of marketing it on board to their wine savvy flying customers. A survey of frequent fliers on US Airways showed passengers rating their wine a 6.8 out of 10. An upgrade in wine has now been put into place. American Airlines has teamed up with Grape Radio to bring their podcasts on board. Listeners on board will be able to tune in whenever they want.
But Delta Airlines has really taken this seriously.

Master Sommelier Andrea Robinson tasted her way through 900 wines before settling on the perfect collection of wines to enjoy while flying with Delta. Passengers on transcontinental and international flight will also be treated to a new on-board entertainment feature called "Local Flavour" These 30 minute segments will feature Andrea discussing wine as well as wine destinations.
Meanwhile back here on earth the Paris-based National Association for the Prevention of Alcholism and Addiction (ANPAA) scored again . This time against the Dutch brewer, Heineke. The inevitable Evin Law was trotted out again. The court ruled that the internet cannot be used as a publicity vehicle in France. What next? Could pilots on American Airlines and Delta flights be making an announcement such as this? "Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Within a few moments we will be entering French airspace. It is my duty to inform you that all on board wine
entertainment will be suspended until we are once again in a friendly sky space.And yes you may finish that glass of wine, unless its French."
Now there is an issue that the CRAV could take on as their next project.

1 comment:

David said...

An airline with a sommelier, wow, I'll have to fly them next time!